Your hair is your everyday confidence and expression of your personality. Losing hair is really depressing and might lose your confidence also. Here in E-Wigs Hair, we don't want you to lose that confidence of yours! We help REGAIN your confidence and it starts by reading this blog!

Normally we shed a certain amount of hair every day. Then our body replaces it with new strands as part of the renewal processes that our body system has built. However, some people experience a significant amount of hair fall than usual which worst leads to hair loss.
Causes of Hair Loss
1. Androgenic alopecia
Androgenic alopecia is a genetic condition that can affect both men and women. It is characterized by a receding hairline and gradual disappearance of hair from the crown and frontal scalp. Men with this condition, called male pattern baldness, begins to suffer from hair loss as early as their teens or early 20s. Males tend to lose hair from the temples and crown of the head while, in females, hair usually becomes thinner all over the crown of the head.
Causes of Hair Loss
1. Androgenic alopecia
Androgenic alopecia is a genetic condition that can affect both men and women. It is characterized by a receding hairline and gradual disappearance of hair from the crown and frontal scalp. Men with this condition, called male pattern baldness, begins to suffer from hair loss as early as their teens or early 20s. Males tend to lose hair from the temples and crown of the head while, in females, hair usually becomes thinner all over the crown of the head.

2. Alopecia areata
Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune disorder that commonly results in unpredictable hair loss. The majority of this case has more than a few small patches on their heads but in some cases, it can be extreme. This condition can also lead to complete hair loss on the scalp (alopecia totalis) and in worst cases, the entire body (alopecia universalis). Anyone can have this condition regardless of age and gender.

3. Traction alopecia
Traction alopecia is a hair loss that results from repetitive or prolonged tension on the scalp hair. Here are some hairstyles that you should avoid to prevent traction alopecia.
- tight buns or ponytail
-tight head wears
-hair extensions
-hair relaxers
-very long hair

4. Anagen effluvium
Anagen effluvium occurs when there is an interruption to the anagen or predominant growth phase of the hair (Kate E. Oberlin MD, Lawrence A. Schachner MD, in Alopecia, 2019). It is commonly associated with radiation therapy to the head and systematic chemotherapy.
Traction alopecia is a hair loss that results from repetitive or prolonged tension on the scalp hair. Here are some hairstyles that you should avoid to prevent traction alopecia.
- tight buns or ponytail
-tight head wears
-hair extensions
-hair relaxers
-very long hair

4. Anagen effluvium
Anagen effluvium occurs when there is an interruption to the anagen or predominant growth phase of the hair (Kate E. Oberlin MD, Lawrence A. Schachner MD, in Alopecia, 2019). It is commonly associated with radiation therapy to the head and systematic chemotherapy.

5. Telogen effluvium
Telogen effluvium is a temporary hair loss due to significant shedding or thinning of hair resulting from the early entry of hair in the telogen phase. Typically in this condition, about 30% of the hairs stop growing and go in the resting phase (telogen phase) before falling out.
Telogen effluvium can be triggered by some but not a limited a number of different events, including:
-Extreme weight loss
- Extreme change in diet
-Major physical trauma
-Major psychological stress
-Abrupt hormonal changes, including hormonal changes during childbirth and menopause
-Iron deficiency
-Some medications

6. Pregnancy
Women actually lose fewer hairs while pregnant, this is because of the rising level of estrogen which slows down the natural cycle of hair follicle shedding. However, some women may experience hair thinning and shedding due to stress and shock. Additionally, many women see hair loss within a few months after delivery which is not true hair loss but rather "excessive hair shedding" caused by a drop estrogen level.
Women actually lose fewer hairs while pregnant, this is because of the rising level of estrogen which slows down the natural cycle of hair follicle shedding. However, some women may experience hair thinning and shedding due to stress and shock. Additionally, many women see hair loss within a few months after delivery which is not true hair loss but rather "excessive hair shedding" caused by a drop estrogen level.

7. Medications

Certain medications have side effects that can cause hair loss.
Examples of such medications include:
-Acne medications containing Vitamin A (retinoids)
-Birth control pills
-Cholesterol-lowering drugs
-Mood stabilizers
-Thyroid Medications
-Parkinson's disease drugs
-Weight loss drugs
Hair Loss Treatment Options:
1. Medication
Medications are available to treat patterns or genetic baldness. The most common treatment includes:
a. Minoxidil (Rogaine). Is FDA-approved drug used to treat pattern baldness. Minoxidil helps people regrow their hair and or slow the rate of hair loss. It comes in liquid, foam, and shampoo. It is suggested to apply the product to the scalp skin daily for women and twice daily for men to see the effectiveness of the product. Minoxidil helps people regrow their hair and or slow the rate of hair loss.
It is available over the counter, so you don't need a prescription from a doctor to get it. However, everyone is encouraged to see a primary care doctor or a dermatologist before beginning treatment, because there could be a medical problem that’s causing the hair loss, such as thyroid dysfunction or nutritional abnormalities.
b. Finasteride (Propecia). Is an effective treatment for hair loss in men and is taken 1mg per day. It is found to be ineffective for treating hair loss for women however, some researchers found that slightly higher doses could also treat hair loss among women.
Finasteride works by blocking the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone or DHT, which decreases the amount of DHT-a hormone that has been linked to hair loss, in the body. Women who are pregnant are prohibited from taking it because it causes birth defects.
c. Other medications. Other oral treatments include spironolactone (Carospir, Aldactone) and oral dutasteride (Avodart)
2. Hair Transplant Surgery
Hair Transplant Surgery is performed to restore hair to bald or thinning areas of the scalp. This involves removing small pieces of hair-bearing scalp from a donor site and use them as a graft to b relocated to a bald or thinning area of the scalp. This procedure is painful so you will be given a sedation medicine to ease the pain. Possible risks include bleeding, bruising, swelling, and infection.

3. Wearing a Hairpiece of Wig
Examples of such medications include:
-Acne medications containing Vitamin A (retinoids)
-Birth control pills
-Cholesterol-lowering drugs
-Mood stabilizers
-Thyroid Medications
-Parkinson's disease drugs
-Weight loss drugs
Hair Loss Treatment Options:
1. Medication
Medications are available to treat patterns or genetic baldness. The most common treatment includes:
a. Minoxidil (Rogaine). Is FDA-approved drug used to treat pattern baldness. Minoxidil helps people regrow their hair and or slow the rate of hair loss. It comes in liquid, foam, and shampoo. It is suggested to apply the product to the scalp skin daily for women and twice daily for men to see the effectiveness of the product. Minoxidil helps people regrow their hair and or slow the rate of hair loss.
It is available over the counter, so you don't need a prescription from a doctor to get it. However, everyone is encouraged to see a primary care doctor or a dermatologist before beginning treatment, because there could be a medical problem that’s causing the hair loss, such as thyroid dysfunction or nutritional abnormalities.
b. Finasteride (Propecia). Is an effective treatment for hair loss in men and is taken 1mg per day. It is found to be ineffective for treating hair loss for women however, some researchers found that slightly higher doses could also treat hair loss among women.
Finasteride works by blocking the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone or DHT, which decreases the amount of DHT-a hormone that has been linked to hair loss, in the body. Women who are pregnant are prohibited from taking it because it causes birth defects.
c. Other medications. Other oral treatments include spironolactone (Carospir, Aldactone) and oral dutasteride (Avodart)
2. Hair Transplant Surgery
Hair Transplant Surgery is performed to restore hair to bald or thinning areas of the scalp. This involves removing small pieces of hair-bearing scalp from a donor site and use them as a graft to b relocated to a bald or thinning area of the scalp. This procedure is painful so you will be given a sedation medicine to ease the pain. Possible risks include bleeding, bruising, swelling, and infection.

3. Wearing a Hairpiece of Wig

Wearing a wig or a hairpiece is the best option you can choose if you don't want to go through invasive surgery and possible risks of taking hair loss medication.
Wearing hair replacement systems has many advantages:
- They are natural-natural looking and undetectable
- Easy to clean and maintain
- You can choose a variety of hairstyles that matches the trend
- The price is cheaper than having hair transplants surgery
Which option for hair loss do you think is best for you?
You can see that wearing a hairpiece or wig is the best option, right?
There is nothing to be ashamed of wearing a hairpiece or wig because it is becoming more and more popular that even a celebrity wears one!
E-wigs Hair Team is always here to help you choose the best hair replacement system for you! Message us and let us talk about our product.
Wearing hair replacement systems has many advantages:
- They are natural-natural looking and undetectable
- Easy to clean and maintain
- You can choose a variety of hairstyles that matches the trend
- The price is cheaper than having hair transplants surgery
Which option for hair loss do you think is best for you?
You can see that wearing a hairpiece or wig is the best option, right?
There is nothing to be ashamed of wearing a hairpiece or wig because it is becoming more and more popular that even a celebrity wears one!
E-wigs Hair Team is always here to help you choose the best hair replacement system for you! Message us and let us talk about our product.