Why is Our French Lace System so Popular?
This men’s lace toupee is one of our most popular stock hair systems. It’s French lace with hand-sewn stitching all over the base. And as a professional hair replacement system manufacturer, we know how to make it with a great front and top appearance.
- This full French lace hair system is made with 100% Indian human hair.
- Indian hair is very fine, soft and flexible. That’s why we use Indian hair as our stock toupee hair type
- The stock men’s lace toupee are with graduated hairline.
- All other knots are also bleached to give this stock toupee a very good top appearance.
- On top of that, a French lace base is breathable making it suitable for your clients if they sweat a lot or exercise regularly.

A lace front is a feature that mimics the look of hair growth at the front hairline. Each hair is tied by hand into a sheer lace material. This allows the hair to move naturally at the hairline and creates a more natural-looking transition from forehead to hairline. Since a lace front is a feature added to a basic wig cap construction, this would be a good option for those worried about staying cool throughout the day. However, because this is an added feature and the process is done by hand, a lace front wig cap costs more than a basic wig cap.
- natural-looking hairline
- allows for off-the-face styling
- sheer lace material must be handled with care
- some lace front wigs are not ready-to-wear, so they must be customized
Wigs are surprisingly low maintenance, especially if you don’t use them that often. In general, it’s safe to store them in their provided wig bags, which come with wig nets to keep the hair from tangling or picking up too much static. If you choose to keep your wigs in wig bags, make sure they’re left lying perfectly flat to avoid messing up the shape of the hair, especially if you have a wavy or curly wig. Wearing a wig can be a playful way to embrace a new look, but they also serve a deeper purpose of enabling wearers to feel more like themselves. As with any beauty tool, wigs have the power to help you gain confidence, project a desired image, or even transform into someone you wish to be.